A BIG day Oppohunting

The family and I spent Saturday on the hunt for things Oppos like to see. We had some INCREDIBLY LUCKY shots throughout the day. I’ll lead off with this Miata. We were driving from one location to another along our planned route when this CAGED RACECAR appeared to our left!

Illustration for article titled A BIG day Oppohunting
Photo: It’s mine, butthead.

I mean, what the heck?!? How is it that all my leads on a RACECAR fall through and we find one just riding down the street, probably on its way to a track day? Freaking AMAZING.

This happened while we were still talking about the train that just happened to come rolling through while we were on our way to get some pics of the river. When we heard the train, we were shocked. We had planned on an excursion to the local tracks around 3:00 when the trains normally roll through.

Illustration for article titled A BIG day Oppohunting
Photo: It’s mine, butthead.

This train posed a serious challenge to us. Everything we wanted to capture was on the other side of the tracks and this long boi was in the process of adding/removing cars, so it didn’t get much further down the track before it STOPPED. No problem, there’s a bridge over the tracks between the hotel and the casino RIGHT THERE (green roof in this pic). We walked over only to discover that the hotel is closed and we can’t use the bridge. Fortunately, a nice lady in a golf cart was kind enough to point us a quarter of a mile back up the road to another bridge. Thanks to that lady for we spent an hour there and the train did little more than move back and forth a few car lengths the entire time.


Before I share my next favorite find of the day, I must give out kudos to my daughter. I put together a spreadsheet with the list of potential sites and started working on identifying sites, but she took over and did an AMAZING JOB of both finding sites and navigating throughout the day!

So, on to one of the other really interesting/unique totally random finds of the day. This, my friends, is a four-door enclosed scooter imported from China. Honestly, I wish I had taken more pictures of it. It seems that the design is licensed to at least two manufacturers and they make both electric and gas versions. I suspect this one is electric given that it has a solar panel on the roof!

Illustration for article titled A BIG day Oppohunting
Photo: It’s mine, butthead.

The other examples I’ve found online have either suicide doors or sliding doors. It appears that this one has issues with the door locks which the owner has rectified with hasps and padlocks. Probably not the safest option, but sometimes you must do what is necessary.


That’s all I’m going to share for now. It’s a Sunday and I have work to do since I spent my Saturday running around south Louisiana. We had a great time, so thanks for putting this together, Dusty!