Videos from the July 2018 Pacific Rim Highway Trip

Here are the driving footage from the Pacific Rim Highway trip I took in the past weekend. The picture post is here:


As usual, all videos are Unlisted and thus not monetised in any way.

The exhaust and supercharger jobs do make me look forward to every passing opportunity :-)

Driving through Cathedral Grove, MacMillan Provincial Park.

Climbing Alberni Summit from Cathedral Grove, going westbound.

After Port Alberni, the road tightens up a LOT. Actual passing zones are rare, and even these “slow vehicle pull-outs” are few and far between. And then in this case, an extremely late decision by the garbage truck to let me go by meant everything was a lot closer than it should be. As usual, though, the mid-range of the supercharged Small Block Chevy pulled me through ;-)

(As to why there are garbage trucks... and even semi-trailers... on this tight and winding 162km / 100mi road? Well, it is the only road link to a famous resort area and a national park, so a lot more things compared to the normal remote communities do need to be transported there.)


Here is the Kennedy Lake road improvements that was taking place between 2018-07-04 to 2018-07-12, seen in both directions. It is a treacherous stretch, with trailer containers often bashing the overhanging cliff sides (which I have witnessed even on the few times I have been here), so I am glad that they are working on it. A pity about my own drive, though :-(

Back up Alberni Summit, this time Eastbound from the City of Port Alberni.

Malahat Drive, a section of the the Trans-Canada Highway on Vancouver Island that is so notorious that it has its own Twitter account.

Finally, I had to get to the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal to meet the BMW guys coming off the boat, which I wrote up here:


I decided to cut through the Highlands, which is simultaneously the best idea ever (the roads are really tight and really twisty) and the worst idea ever (no, really, the roads are REALLY TIGHT and REALLY TWISTY).

After emerging unscathed, I always thought that perhaps I should never do it again. And then, next time I am in the area, off I go again....