Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy

Here are the pictures from my walk yesterday to the Vancouver neighbourhood of Shaughnessy, the actual proper “exclusive” area of Vancouver that was designed from the ground up, way back in 1907, for the city’s elite.

First up, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice Vancouver at Glen Brae, built in 1910:

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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy

Other sights around the neighbourhood:

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Back in the days when a stable for horses was more important than a garage for automobiles
Back in the days when a stable for horses was more important than a garage for automobiles
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
The “exclusive” version of an abandoned house
The “exclusive” version of an abandoned house
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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
The Thai Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada
The Thai Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada
Oops. Probably not the renovation that the owner had in mind....
Oops. Probably not the renovation that the owner had in mind....
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Angus Park:

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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy

The local elementary school is named after Edith Cavell:

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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy

Here are some cars! This is Oppo, after all:

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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Champagne Quartz Metallic exterior + Golden Brown Extended Merino Leather interior - BMW Individual
Champagne Quartz Metallic exterior + Golden Brown Extended Merino Leather interior - BMW Individual
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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Ford Galaxie 500 on Vintage Plate
Ford Galaxie 500 on Vintage Plate

Finally, the rest of the pictures, taken to and from my destination:

Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
These must be for cars, but then how do the people get out...? Tenements in this area all had garages like this; must have been popular at that specific point in time.
These must be for cars, but then how do the people get out...? Tenements in this area all had garages like this; must have been popular at that specific point in time.
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Curbside: 2018-09-23 to Shaughnessy