Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct

Have a bit more time this month as I wind down my current job to start a new one in the new year. So, here are some more pictures from my past photo albums. This time, back in September of 2016, I took a walk over the Georgia Viaduct... which has already been slated for demolition back then. Thus, although the work has not started, these views will soon be gone.

Also, the completely clear sky made for striking blue from my B+W Circular Polariser. Finally, for a sprinkle of Oppo-ness beyond the transportation infrastructure theme, I have a Sherman Firefly from Beatty Street Drill Hall (home of The British Columbia Regiment [Duke of Connaught’s Own]) and also a Nissan Figaro taken from elevation.

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Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct
Illustration for article titled Pics from the Past: 2016-09-11 From the Viaduct