Birth grows closer...

Only about a month or so left before he should be born. Exciting, but also starting to have nightmares about things going wrong. My wife is also doubting everything on the names we have chosen even though we had a hard time coming up with options we liked.

Since it’s getting close and my parents aren’t able to just take time off without massive advance warning, they took advantage of vacation time they had scheduled last week and drove out to see us. As part of the trip, they delivered the family cradle since we’re having the first baby in the family in over a decade (built by my 2nd great grandfather in 1924 (when he was 63) for my grandfather; every baby along my paternal line since grandpa - great uncles & aunt, uncles & aunt, cousins, siblings, and nephews - have slept in it).


On their way up the original fuel pump in their car went out and they ended up stuck in a small town in eastern Oregon for a day and a half, which saved my wife a little more stress of dealing with them. They arrived with a headlight and a fog lamp out, too (also original). Since my dad is depressingly unable to fix anything like this without ages of dawdling, I replaced both headlights and the one bad fog light for their trip home (probably should have done both fog lights, but it was more of a pain than the headlights and since you remove the entire assembly I needed to keep one in as a reference point to ensure they were as close to properly aligned as possible afterward), which took me less time to do than it took to find the parts and go to the store to get them...

The NX2000 was sort of the Fiesta ST of the early 90s. Those are some impressive headlight assemblies - real glass lenses with modern interchangeable bulbs. This car is like 100% Japanese, too.
The NX2000 was sort of the Fiesta ST of the early 90s. Those are some impressive headlight assemblies - real glass lenses with modern interchangeable bulbs. This car is like 100% Japanese, too.

It was good seeing my parents, but they still really stress my wife out and having them around the house was doubly-stressful for her as they kind of took over (and they’re messy, the opposite of us). They also drive me crazy, I couldn’t imagine dealing with them every day for weeks, months, and years on end anymore. The last couple days were spent getting the house somewhat back in order after the cyclone of chaos.

I miss you guys, I really don’t get a chance to be on here much anymore.