What’s for dinner? Last meal without adult supervision...

Had to go with easy and at hand, so since I had ripe avocados, I grabbed a ripe jalapeño from the garden and made guacamole. Did the same quesadilla that he got for lunch the first two days, which is still delicious, so why not?

Baby spoons are the best and he was eating it while I was making the quesadilla.
Baby spoons are the best and he was eating it while I was making the quesadilla.

Roasted Poblano & Onion Quesadilla:

- Roast a lightly oiled poblano on all sides under a broiler until blackened blisters are on all sides. Stick in a bowl and cover for about 5 minutes before peeling. Remove the stem (will come out with a quick pull if roasted properly) and peel. Remove seeds and slice into 1.5” wide strips.


- Dice onion and sautée to soften slightly.

- Dice one to two strips of poblano.

- Cut queso Oaxaca into strips.

- Arrange the queso on one half of a flour tortilla with the onion and poblano bits.


- Place, open, into your toaster oven set to bake at max temp.

- After about a minute, when the tortilla has softened, fold in two.

- Flip the quesadilla when the cheese starts melting, then flip frequently until it starts turning a golden brown and puffing up.


- Rest a couple minutes before cutting and serve with guacamole.

Eating guacamole with a spoon, because of course.
Eating guacamole with a spoon, because of course.

Mom has landed and will be back about 30-40 minutes after he’s asleep. Big surprise for him tomorrow morning!