Goodmorning Oppo

Illustration for article titled Goodmorning Oppo
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled Goodmorning Oppo
Photo: Myself

These photos were taken last night, amid Florida’s 4th of July festivities. I had no clear view of any fireworks (which were likely shot off on the beaches or in Orlando), but I could hear them and I could see the haze. Looked like something out of a zombie movie.

They went off all night, from 7:30 till like midnight (probably longer that’s just when I managed to fall asleep). Then at 8am this morning someone shot a few off, just cause. Sure is nice to wake up to explosions, there should be a little alarm clock that just blows up in the morning. That’d wake me up for sure.

Illustration for article titled Goodmorning Oppo
Photo: I

Anyways, since I was already awake, I played some Animal Crossing (a fantastic time killer). I designed my favorite STP hat in the game so now my little guy is a motor oil enthusiast. Thought you all might get a kick out of that.


Anyways, have a great day today!