My Vacation So Far...

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

I have been on the road a lot this past week, having crunched through an estimated 1379 miles. It’s a good thing I like to drive, or this week would’ve been sheer torture...


The question I’ve yet to really answer is why I’m driving this much, and it’s really quite simple: I’m a loyal pal. A bunch of old friend from high school just graduated as seniors, hurray for them. But with Corona and all the other issues with the world, them having a senior week seemed up in the air, but they’re smart kids and good planners. The one this they couldn’t muster up was enough drivers (7 people in total, and only one of them could drive).

Then comes Taylor, ready to save the day. I ended up going on this trip kind of on accident. It was april and I was back in MD hanging out with one of my pals when I overheard about the trip and their little dilemma. I liked these people enough, and hell, I wanted to go on vacation, so I stepped in and offered to drive. 3 months and 1000+ miles later, I ended up in Kinsale Virginia... it was lovely.

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

Obviously there is no house in the photos above, but this is the dock we got to hang out on (a very remote section of the Yeocomico River). The first day was primarily spent there, especially for me since I’d been on the road an awful lot. I had a rod and very basic fishing skills, so it was just nice to pass the time and listen to nature.


The next day was interesting... we went to the beach.

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

Well, it’s a beach on a lake. Colonial Beach to be exact, which is just on the Potomac River. Small, family style, and quite quaint.

Now, it kind of went against all my moral standards doing this. I finally got my test results back just before I left (negative, which is nice), so going to the beach seemed like willfully walking into a petri dish. However, it was a 7 to 1 vote, and everyone there seemed fairly respectful of social distancing (except this one old bastard who just stood by our chairs for a while).


Everyone kept their distance, both in and out of the water, and I got many good naps in that day, so I can’t really complain.

An Ugly Beach Bum In His Natural Habitat
An Ugly Beach Bum In His Natural Habitat
Photo: Of Me

Truth be told, the vast majority of the trip was spent just chilling, which was something I hadn’t been doing a lot of (at least not meaningful chilling). Catching up with old friends has been nice, and simply being with people I liked being around (don’t get me wrong, my roommate and his girlfriend are great, I’m just slightly sick of being the third wheel every day). It was nice to get out, relax, and enjoy summer for one week. I’m still in school, I go year round, but since I’m online (and still paying full tuition mumble grumble mumble) it was fairly easy for me to sneak away.

My vacation isn’t over yet, I still have a long drive home and people I can see, but the beach vacation portion of the trip is said and done.


Some highlights from the trip:

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

A lowered Volvo 240 with pink rims and tinted windows... for some reason...

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

The rocking chair I spent quite a bit of time in, taking naps and shooting the breeze with my pals.

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Me

And a toilet seat logo that looks shockingly similar to one certain movie studio.

Illustration for article titled My Vacation So Far...
Photo: Definitely Not Me

I’ll be driving back down to FL on the 6th, but until then it’s good to be home.

Take care folks!