To Make A Bad Day Badder

Illustration for article titled To Make A Bad Day Badder
Photo: Me

This happened this morning... well... technically last night. The culprit is a big branch that fell on my car and created this monster of a dent right between the windscreen and the drivers side window. I’m grateful it didn’t hit any of the glass, no cracks in sight, no leaks (it’s raining now I just checked), but man it stinks. To add injury to insult, it’s certainly not easily fixable.

Illustration for article titled To Make A Bad Day Badder
Photo: Me

This is a very crude outline of the entire panel that’d have to come off just to fix that dent. It’s no good to look at, I guess it’s a love mark. Just kinda stinks.


Also now I have a ton of school to do, this month is going to be busy and painful.

Take care folks!