Dennis Discovers Some Things

Illustration for article titled Dennis Discovers Some Things
Photo: Dennis the Dentures
Illustration for article titled Dennis Discovers Some Things
Photo: Dennis the Dentures
Illustration for article titled Dennis Discovers Some Things
Photo: Dennis the Dentures

Oppohunt got me out of the house, but I would’ve never guessed I’d find some crazy cool cars. A Morris Minor? I’d never seen one but there it was, in the flesh, and absolutely adorable. Not sure what the Jaaaaaaaag was, so bonus points if you can tell me. Then there’s a DeLorean. Would be cool modified to look like the DeLorean Time Machine, but honestly I can see the appeal of keeping it stock. The thing is the sickest cheese wedge of metal ever made.


Tomorrow I hit the open road for 10 hours to Atlanta, which will be a great test to see if my dent is leaking and also see some more landmarks and cars when I stop for gas once or twice.

Also, when I get back to FL, I’m planning on writing a more professional review on my car, probably on Medium, just so that I can keep my super technical writings separate from the stuff on here, which is just for fun/education. Something where I can practice my automotive voice. Will also be taking on an oil change (and likely tire rotation), starting with the purchasing of necessary equipment. My mother loathes the idea of tampering with the car, but I don’t live with her anymore... then again, I kind of loathe the idea of tampering with my car.


Take care folks.