Florida Emissions Confusion...

Illustration for article titled Florida Emissions Confusion...
Photo: Paola Bona (Shutterstock)

Hey Oppos. I’m really confused.

I have to get my vehicle emissions inspected, at least my CarFax says I do, so I look online for emission testing sites in Orlando. None to be found. Huh?


Then I call my local Honda dealer, ask them about an emissions test. The lady on the phone says that’s an engine diagnostic thing, which I know it’s not. It would run me 100 bucks to do it there, and that’s gonna be a strong no from me.

Then I learn that Florida doesn’t require emissions tests. Great, I’m out of the woods... but I’m not, because cars bought/registered other states (which is my car) need to get a smog test. Ok, so I need to get a smog test... where do I go for that.


Florida Oppos, or any Oppos with the knowledge I need to appease these government issued driving regulations, I’d be grateful for your wisdom.

Take care folks!