Anyone Watching The Derby?

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Photo: The internet, I’m too tired to caption it correctly.

A horse just freaked out, it was named 1000 Words, and just got scratched. Less horses on the field means less competitors to everyone’s favorite, Tiz the Law. But I’m not boring, I’m betting on AP Honor. And by betting I mean I got thrown into a betting circle with my grandmother and all her old lady friends.


Listen, if AP Honor wins (and that horse has a shot), I make 100 smackeroos. I need all these ladies retirement dollars, otherwise I have to fork over 10 bucks... betting is only fun if you win...


Wish me luck!

Update: I was watching on this browser but it only lets you see the pregame. Didn’t get to watch the actual race and apparently my grandmother’s horse won (not Tiz the Law).


My horse didn’t even make the top 3... and now I owe her 10 bucks.