Selling van...

And other fun Craigslist ads you can look at with me (even though I should be doing other more productive things... this week’s been a doozy, I’m just not feeling up to... stuff).

Shoutout to Just Jeepin’ for showing me, now I can waste my time looking at cheap pieces of junk efficiently!

Illustration for article titled Selling van...
Photo: Craigslist

That’s it. That’s the only picture you get. The description is even more vague. There was a business plan, and now there’s not. It drives, but needs work. Not sure what the year is, and doesn’t even mention the model (looks like a Ford to me, though I’m also incompetent when it comes to putting names to cars).


Sidenote: how does one get rid of all those “700 down” ads where the car really costs 10 grand but you only pay 700 upfront? Or am I just stuck with those? Poo.

Photo: Craigslist

Here’s an old Volvo 740. I love the Swedish design from this era, which is simple lines and flat sheets of metal. Shame this one is only the 4 cylinder automatic (reminds me of another car I know). It doesn’t have a troublesome turbo either, and if I were just looking for a beater car to thrash around I’d buy this. If you can get the price down to 500 it’d make an excellent LeMons car.

Photo: Craigslist

Here’s a very photogenic advertisement for a $788 Chevy Cobalt. Seriously. The pixel count may not be great, but someone took time and consideration when adding filters so that it looks like they shot during golden hour... maybe they did... who knows.

Photo: Craigslist

Also, somewhat hard to tell, but do those tires look a bit bald to you? Maybe it’s just the angle that makes them look 2-Dimensional... or maybe I should put on my glasses.

Photo: Craigslist

Hey look, I found the same car twice over. Back to back, at the same dealership, for the same down payment. Which would you take? Personally, I’d go for the Escape, mainly because I think it looks better.

Photo: Craigslist

The ad calls this Mercedes 300e a “Diamond In The Rough” because of it’s 2.8L twin cam engine. I don’t know enough about older Mercs and their engines to know if this guy knows what he has or thinks he knows what he has but really doesn’t. Can you confirm?

Photo: Craigslist

Watch out for this E L O N G A T E D Chevy, not just because of the truck, but the warped, rotated picture. Not sure why the seller chose this one, but alright. Regardless, this thing is (apparently) super clean, engine and all... but they’re still selling it for $800 on Craigslist, and that’s a little sus to me, but what do I know?

Photo: Not Craigslist

Saw a lot of other cool cars listed: a bundle of Lincoln Continentals, plenty of old vans, and some 2 door rust buckets like Cavaliers and Monte Carlos. But I wanted the last one for this post to be really odd, and this is what I found:

Photo: Craigslist

If you’re willing to sink a grand into the car, and then some more money into fixing the taillights, this could be a fun toy...oda...MR2... I mean, it’s got the pop ups, those are sick, as a bunch of cosmetic mods, and the most well written Craigslist ad I’ve ever seen. The person who wrote this sounds polite yet factual, and really likes this car (at least from what they say).


That’ll do it for me. I can’t go to bed because I have to be somewhere at midnight... I don’t want to go, cause then I’ll wake up late tomorrow and get nothing done like the poopy head I am... but oh well...

Goodnight everyone!