My Dad Bought A Buffalo. What Would You Buy Instead?

Illustration for article titled My Dad Bought A Buffalo. What Would You Buy Instead?
Illustration: George Booruji

Not this exact buffalo. Allow me to explain:

My dad is dating a fine art connoisseur (you know, the fancy collectors who think everything has a meaning). Well, his girlfriend had been eyeing a painting of a buffalo, and as a suprise my dad bought it for her. All fine by me...


Until I was told it cost $13,000 dollars. That’s enough money to buy like ten project cars and to a college student like me trying not to spend 13,000 dollars a year, that came out of left field.

So here are my questions to you Oppo:

  • If you were handed 13k right now to buy something (or some things), what would you invest in?

Or if you’re not in the mood to buy cars, how about this:

  • What art (automotive or otherwise) might you fill your home with if you had 13k to blow?

Thanks Duck Duck Grey Duck for enlightening me with this site, I’ll be spending quite a while on it today: There’s some cool stuff on here in case you want to try and find cars that way.

Post many pictures please, I want to see all the art and learn about all the project cars/actual cars (13k is enough to invest in the Kandi K27 after federal tax cuts, while still having 3k to spare... I’m watching that car with great interest). Who knows, maybe looking for car art will keep your mind off the gloom and doom of this election (if I could drink, I would be).


Take care!