Local Car Show

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Illustration for article titled Local Car Show
Illustration for article titled Local Car Show
dannyzablotny, is that you?
dannyzablotny, is that you?
Illustration for article titled Local Car Show
Illustration for article titled Local Car Show

I was always told to check out the Pavillions car show. Today, I realized that it is literally half a mile from work.

I usually work weekends, and during that time, I would always hear cars revving, 2-stepping, and peeling out. I never put two and two together that it was a show taking place across the freeway.


It was your quintessential car show. Lots of STis, EVOs, Miatas, and crotch rockets. There are the few that I found to tickle my fancy the most. I did forget to take a pic of the 911 next to the malibu, that on was particularly sweet too.