Happy Sunday

I went to visit my grandpa today and he was very interested in my GTI. After thoughourly looking it over, and checking to make sure I still owned the Camaro, we went for a drive. He loved it. “I felt like we were going to take off!” He said.

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Grandpa worked for General Motors for many years but he owned a few Audis and VWs before going to work for GM. Since then it has been all GM for the whole family.

Owning something other than a GM car in this family is a big deal. See the family picture below for verification.

So much Equinox. Oof.
So much Equinox. Oof.

But GM just didn’t have what I wanted for a new daily driver. I’ve owned the GTI for a little over two months now and I can’t imagine a better car for my needs. It’s fast, fun, practical, good looking, and Mrs. Trickjos likes driving it too.

Illustration for article titled Happy Sunday
Illustration for article titled Happy Sunday
Illustration for article titled Happy Sunday