The Ultimate Christmas Present

I just received all of the import paper work (Entry Summary etc). I called my insurance guy and activated the insurance policy on it and got an insurance card. I was starting to get anxious (again) about how and when I would pick up the vehicle from port. Then I went to pay the invoice for the shipping company and it was a few hundred dollars more than I expected...

Illustration for article titled The Ultimate Christmas Present

Because they are delivering it!!! It’s an extra $375, but who TF cares! I’d spend at least a 3rd of that renting an insuring a trailer, plus gas, the time, and the hassle of going to get it. I am SO pumped.

Now I’ve got everything I need to go and apply for a US/Title and tag which I should be able to do tomorrow so that I can at least get a head start on it. Although I’m in the middle of migrating my companies email from GSuite to 365 and my wife’s birthday is tomorrow, so hopefully I can squeeze it in.


It still doesn’t seem real. The boat arrives in the early morning of Christmas Day, I doubt they will be trucking it up to me then but that would be awesome!

Happy Thursday!