The Munchkin Workbench

A few years ago at this point I dropped “the wired workbench” V1 on ya. Over time I have upgraded, added, and organized. My tiny shop is my daughter’s favorite place to go, so it’s about time she had her own work space and tools!

Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench

I snagged some basic plans from the internets, then tweaked them for the bench that I wanted.

Next I went out and bought all of the wood/MDF/pegboard. I made a few cutting/measuring mistakes, then went and bought more wood. I measured and drilled all of the pocket holes and assembled everything but the top. I decided to route a nice big round edge on the 3/4" MDF top to minimize scrapes. I did that perfectly. Popped the clamp off and watched it fall off of my saw horse directly onto one of the corners!!! My neighbors got to hear me say things.

Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench

I pulled out my new cordless rotary saw and cut that piece up and put it right in the trash. It is my belief that if you are a intermediate DIYer (as I am), you are in for at least two, but probably 3 trips to home depot (or wherever). So while I contemplated my third trip. I had a look at the rest of the workbench to make sure I didn’t need anything else while I was at the store.


I hammered the cleats on the two bottom side supports after they had been attached. In doing that I blew the screws out of the pocket holes and it was just a little rickety. So I pulled the cleats off, cut two new pieces, drilled the holes, put the cleats on and re attached.

Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench

Just the easy parts were left, which is one of the things I love about pocket hole joinery. You cut the wood, drill your holes, then you just have to put it together!

Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench

And Finished! Toy tools arrive tonight and I will pick up pegboard hooks at lunch. It’s covered by a sheet right now, but I plan to show it to her tonight or tomorrow if it’s too late by the time I get it setup.

Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench
Illustration for article titled The Munchkin Workbench

Car content: My daughter and I took the Alltrack through the car wash. It’s a brand new car wash and if you go for the $15 wash the fuckin’ thing goes into disco mode when you go through. She loves it! I always bump this song when we go through and we dance.