Austin Snowmageddon 2019

Illustration for article titled Austin Snowmageddon 2019

Austin is reeling under the largest snowfall in years. While no official announcements have been made, schools will almost certainly be closing early, government offices will shut their doors, and Governor Greg Abbott will soon declare a state of emergency. Texas National Guard units are on standby to rescue stranded drivers from roadways blanketed with record snowfall. Not only is it snowing, thunder has been reported in the area, marking the appearance of so-called “thunder snow” and heralding the arctic blizzard that will surely engulf the state capital.


God help us all. Just look at how much snow was on my van this morning when I had to take my kids to school. It’s a wonder I made it home alive.

Illustration for article titled Austin Snowmageddon 2019

But seriously, it was thundering. Which is kind of weird. I’m fairly certain the world is coming to an end.