Old Amtrak Brochure

Illustration for article titled Old Amtrak Brochure

This is a photo from a 1970s Amtrak brochure. Note that they are reading Maurice Sendak’s In The Night Kitchen, a wonderful tale of a boy who has an amazing adventure in a dreamscape kitchen where the bread is baked for the morning. They must be looking at one of the pages where you see the main character’s wee-wee. The young boy’s nudity caused a bit of a stir when the book came out, and some people even burned it. Funny, my mother bought the book for us and we turned out just fine. Well, mostly.


Anyway, you can see more pictures from this brochure here. And In The Night Kitchen is still being published, and remains a beautiful, fun story about a little boy who, for some reason, has a penis.