Wanna be an airline pilot?

China is hiring, at least if you can fly an A320. With the ongoing MAX crisis showing no sign of easing any time soon, China is dealing with a glut of 737 drivers without a ride. However, they are going out of their way to hire anybody who can captain an A320. From AvWeb:

The relatively few Chinese airlines with A320s continue to hunt for pilots, however, and the money is good. Juneyao Airlines in Shanghai is paying A320 captains between the ages of 30 and 53 $299,000 a year for 14 hours of flying time a week and seven weeks of paid vacation plus an overseas employment allowance of $666 a month.


That’s damn good money, about double what captains are making on average in the US. And not too much stick time, either. It may not be a bad time to consider a career change, unless you’re already 53 years old, like me.