Garagelopnik + Shelflopnik [Update]

Illustration for article titled Garagelopnik + Shelflopnik [Update]

I had an electrician come out last week to upgrade our electrical service box and run conduit in the garage for more outlets and dedicated power to our garage fridge and freezer. Since I had to pull everything away from the wall so he could work, I used it as an opportunity to finally get some shelves and organize the garage. Got these at Costco. They aren’t the most robust shelves in the world, but I think they’ll be just fine for my needs.


Now, for the other side of the garage.....

Illustration for article titled Garagelopnik + Shelflopnik [Update]

Update: I got after the other side of the garage today. I don’t thing it’s been this neat since we moved in 17 years ago. I wouldn’t mind getting matching shelves for the left side of the garage, but this will do for now.

Illustration for article titled Garagelopnik + Shelflopnik [Update]

Trying to make it a space my boys will use instead of being on the computer. We’ve got basketball (with a broken scoring commuter), air hockey (I need a better table for it), ping pong (a sheet of MDF on our old kitchen table), and a dart board behind me to the right. Of course, it will be 110 degrees in there come July...