Good Morning

Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely

Happy Monday, Opponauts. Have a not B-17.

It’s actually an XB-38. Boeing modified a single B-17 to accept Allison V-1710 V-12 engines instead of the usual Wright 1820 Cyclones. The USAAF wanted a fallback in case the supply of Wrights was compromised. The single prototype was lost in a crash after one of the engines caught fire and the crew bailed out.


I’ve posted this aircraft before. However, I stumbled upon a nice little collection of photos of the XB-38 that I’d never seen before.

Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely
Illustration for article titled Good Morning
Photo: US Air Force, most likely