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This Beechcraft MC-12S Huron is doing racetracks out in rural Texas tonight. I’ve driven through Lometa many, many times, and there is absolutely nothing out there but ranch land and mesquite trees. I guess that makes it good training ground. 

MC-12: USAF version modified for the Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) role; originally 8 King Air 350s and 29 King Air 350ERs and ending with 42 350ERs (including one combat loss). In service since June 2009 in Iraq and Afghanistan and globally for USSOCOM. All aircraft were transferred to USSOCOM, US Army, and other US government agencies by 2015. The Royal Canadian Air Force ordered 3 similar, if not, exact variants. (Wiki)

Illustration for article titled Interesting....
Photo: Ian Howat