Would you buy a used VW TDI?

I’m thinking of trading in my Civic and Impreza in the next year for a Golf Sportwagen TDI. I drive a lot (20,000+ a year) but I leased my Impreza hatch about a year ago when I was barely driving 8000 miles a year. I have since bought a civic coupe (it was a killer deal) but I’ll probably consolidate in a year and the TDI GSW is at the top of the replacement list.

Illustration for article titled Would you buy a used VW TDI?
Photo: Mark Steven (Other)

Everything I’ve read is that the fix (especially on the 2015 Mk7 Golf) changes very little in terms of power, mpg and reliability. They’re crazy cheap right now too and a low mileage one can be had around for $15k Does anyone have any other information of why a fixed TDI is a good or bad choice?