I own a blasphemous Miata

I will lead with the sacrilege, then talk about the rest of it.

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I own an automatic Miata - embrace that this happened, let it simmer, and come back to bask in the beauty of the rest of it.

Illustration for article titled I own a blasphemous Miata

I traded in my 2013 Abarth for a 2017 MX5 RF grand touring automatic with 6,800ish miles in ceramic white or whatever this color is and a few years of warranty left. The Abarth still put a smile on my face every single day and I truly think this will too! I cannot wait to take it out on some twisties and to get some better photos of it. I have owned many manual cars and I know this should be one too, however I am happy getting in to an automatic. A nice plus is my wife can drive this. She is budding in to a car enthusiast, but hasn’t fully committed - if this helps, I’m all for it! (She gets how to drive a manual and did good in my old focus, but hasn’t done it daily)

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It looks damn good and feels so right on the road. It gives great feedback and seems to just ask for more! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced something so rev happy.

Peep the douche initials plate - I’m one of those people
Peep the douche initials plate - I’m one of those people

I know the appearance pack, outside of the brembos and wheels, gets a piano black top. I think that would look really nice and wouldn’t be hard to recreate. The aftermarket is quite plentiful so I’m imagining lots of little odds and ends I might want.

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This part may stir you up again - I like the flappy paddles. They respond well and fit the feel of the car. I’ve got to say I am extremely happy with the purchase and cannot wait for more of the Miata life!!