In case you need a new Autoplush

If you didn’t know, I run the @Boring.Cars instagram account and I know you know/love the Twingo from autoplush. I’ve teamed up with him to offer a discount on the newly released Fiat and Miata plushies. So if you didn’t get one already or just really need to expand your collection, now is a good time to do it.

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I was planning on getting the Fiat while I still had the Abarth. Even gave my input on the shape of it while it was in the early concept stages! Now I’m getting a Miata one. Might even try making a little RF style top for it.

Illustration for article titled In case you need a new Autoplush

Use code “NonBoringPlushies” for a discount plus it’s free shipping!  


I get zero kickback from this. I just like what the guy is doing and am happy to team up with him.