Watchlopnik halp: part deux

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Sup y’all! To recap from the last post, my dad recently purchased and old AF desk that used to belong to a jeweler or jewelry repairman. He has found a bunch of neato things in the drawers including a pocket watch from the previous post. Now it turns out there is a bunch old packet watches in that mofo.


Here is another that lools neato. Heavy AF. Not sure if it’s worth fixing. It ticks and the arms work but at least from initial inspection, it will need a second hand. Maybe a good cleaning? Idk. Maybe leave it alone.

Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik halp: part deux
Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik halp: part deux
Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik halp: part deux
Illustration for article titled Watchlopnik halp: part deux