We're Extending the Saab's Roadworthiness Deadline

Illustration for article titled Were Extending the Saabs Roadworthiness Deadline

There’s just too much yet to do.

Things keep coming up, both project and non-project related. And neither I nor my brother are willing to get sloppy in order to meet that one-year deadline. It was a nice goal, but we’re getting close enough to that point to admit that we’re going to have to extend the deadline. If only we had more spare time to work on it.


Anyway, the new deadline is “by winter”. By winter, the engine and transmission will be back in the car with fresh gaskets. It will also have fresh axles, new wheel bearings, overhauled brakes, and some fresh suspension parts too. And all the other stuff we’ve done- the overhauled fuel system, etc. Yeah, it’s gonna be in good shape. I can’t wait.