New Toy

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Can’t wait to get this thing all hooked up.

Finally upgrading from a little old 10 gal compressor to this beast. 1.6 CFM was fine for filling up tires and running a blow nozzle, but I’m gonna have to start building up a proper air tool collection now.


Spent hours unloading this shelving unit and pulling it out of the corner to make room (decided no to cut shelves out from it after all). I’m gonna box this compressor in, like I did with the old Campbell Hausfeld, but I’m sure it’s gonna take more than bath towels and cardboard to keep the noise down this time. Gonna have to figure something else out.


So far, I’ve managed to build a small frame with rubber dampers for it to sit on, cut an air vent, and run wiring. Despite having thought far enough ahead to install a 220V outlet nearby, it’s just a little further away than I want it, so that’s turning into a junction box, with a new length of wire jumping over to another box closer to the compressor.

In the above pic, you can see an initial test fitting, but I’ve pulled it back out of that space in order to work on plumbing. Been getting by with running a 50 ft hose across the rafters to the hose reel, but it’s time to install a rigid, permanent system.


Copper would be nice, but I figured that would probably be expensive... Now PVC tubing seems to have good pressure ratings, but I shudder at the thought of something happening and sending sharp pieces of shrapnel flying. Metal it is, then. I hear that black pipe has a tendency to rust inside, so galvanized looks like the better option... Except that lo and behold: copper is apparently cheaper than galvanized, even if I use the thicker type L stuff! Well I guess that settles it haha.

Planning to run some copper piping, with valves, drip tees, risers, and install a water separator/filter and regulator just before the hose reel. This upgrade has been a long time coming. I’m psyched!