My favorite JRitS posts of the week, Vol. 102

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Reddit’s Just Rolled into the Shop is a veritable cornucopia of the many wonders and oddities of shop lyfe. You never know what’s gonna roll in. Here’s what caught my eye this week.


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Photo: ssophiiee

Poor Basil. Oh, he is in for a surprise! Goodbye, So soon, And isn’t this a crime...


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Photo: TheMrCheetoFingers

...I think he used a 3/8's battery impact



Video: Ubbiedude



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Photo: samerooo

...just sleeping. We woke him up and he ran off into the sunset.



Photos: MyUsualName

I wish I had more details but of course neither me nor the guy who was working on it were told much of anything.


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Photo: iRagedaily

This was actually after it sat on the bench during the time it took to empty the whole tank. The yellow at the top was gasoline and the white is water, alchohol and other unidentified fluids. Three vehicles so far I’ve seen, do believe the gas station shut their pumps down.


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Photo: J-LMadison

...This was semi frozen and became a thick mostly solid chunk.


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Photo: maaadmatt

Thoughts and prayers!


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Photo: Mr_Pahpshmir

Driver dropped a loaded container; high hooked kingpin. Bent a lot of stuff. I had to have container offloaded since chassis wasn’t safe in my opinion. Got grief about it needing to offloaded and “why couldn’t it be just ran to port real quick” actual quote from the lengthy email chain. Rear axles are out of alignment Picture


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Photo: jcat47

...You can only see the cost of one rotor. Each rotor is directional.


Illustration for article titled My favorite JRitS posts of the week, Vol. 102em/em
Photo: NewC0

It’s a carb from a 1973 Honda CB125...

That’s the actual carb body falling apart. I could see the bowl cracking if there was water in there and it froze, but it’s cracked all the way up the slide. Never seen anything like that before.


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Screenshot: gearheadspawn

(click for video)


Illustration for article titled My favorite JRitS posts of the week, Vol. 102em/em
Photo: EngineKnock came in for a new clutch, it’s an older VW jetta


Illustration for article titled My favorite JRitS posts of the week, Vol. 102em/em
Photo: L3x1n

Carthago [motorhome]...

I love german cars, but these campers are something else to work on.


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Photo: AutoServiceIndustry

Rats ate through her engine cover, wiring harness, power steering & coolant hoses, etc. She was super upset so she dumped a thing or 2 of crushed red pepper all over it, then she brought it to us to fix and this is what it looked like when we popped the hood.


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Photo: DadsBMW

Happy trails!


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Photo: tuckysauto

I ain’t even mad.


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Photo: slitherysloth09

Okay, now I am.


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Photo: Bman092

I had a fun time watching my advisor explain what happened to the lady’s car. She was pissed! Stepped outside to “make a phone call” to the towing company...


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Photo: a-crappy-mechanic

It still makes noise. The customer wasted a perfectly good bar of soap


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Photo: Atmks

...we sell [cabin] air filters for teslas, and that’s probably why we have a section on them in the book.


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Photo: TheMrCheetoFingers



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Photo: charliebdub

Don’t forget to keep your fuel tanks properly inflated!


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Photo: Frosts_super90

Obligatory tire post


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Photo: fidgetspinnerz

Obligatory brake post