White Castle Opens in Scottsdale, AZ: Closes That Night to Resupply From Heavy Demand

Hey there Oppo, it’s your temporarily-at-large Fast Food Oppo correspondent Brazzers McRibtertits.

Illustration for article titled White Castle Opens in Scottsdale, AZ: Closes That Night to Resupply From Heavy Demand

On October 23rd, the first-ever AZ White Castle opened with the intention of being a 24 hour slider joint. Fans started queuing up a few days prior to opening and fans who showed up later were treated to multiple hour wait times, some waiting in excess of 5 hours to eat these alleged diarrhea-inducing burgers.

At 4am the next morning, after first setting a limit of SIXTY sliders per person, they closed, suspending in-store and online delivery orders until 9am that same day to restock and resupply. Some customers were apparently ordering over 100 sliders per visit, which is insane if you consider a Crave Case is 30 and contains about 5000 calories.


The intention is now to be closed from 1am to 4am tentatively in the first week to ensure that the restaurant can operate within its logistical means.


In case you think this is just because Arizona is full of nincompoops and expats from the Midwest, this actually has happened before, in Las Vegas, 2015.


Maybe the third time will be the charm.

On a personal level, I like the sliders, but I don’t contest that there are better burgers, and I waited 2 hours in SF for amazing ramen.

I wouldn’t wait 20 minutes for these.