The Great Oppo Hunt: Team Not Visible Enough, Checking In!

Say hello to a mascot who’s the brightest, yet wasn’t bright enough:

Illustration for article titled The Great Oppo Hunt: Team Not Visible Enough, Checking In!
Photo: Heat from my Camaro’s exhaust

This is WAY2MELT, a cone that’s not an ice cream cone, but did some melting, much like an ice cream cone. He marked the apex of a right-hand, off-camber corner at an autocross event, bright and visible for all to see.

His career as a sentinel of clean racing lines ended abruptly, when he got stuck under my Camaro’s exhaust on my 3rd lap of the course. Due to injuries including severe melting of the base and of the conical membrane, the hosting autocross group deemed him unfit for further apex-marking duty.


In his retirement, he will serve as the mascot for Team Not Visible Enough in the Great Oppo Hunt of 2020. Follow our road-tripping shenanigans at @revupdate on instagram.