We Put Carbs On A Miata, And It Kicked Ass

Illustration for article titled We Put Carbs On A Miata, And It Kicked Ass

You might be thinking, hey, TK, you’re crazy!

But no! The car’s owner, Evan, was able to source everything required for a carby conversion for under $1500, because he’s some kind of savant at dealing in car parts.


We chucked on a circuit to help the ECU get the timing sorted, and were rewarded with the most delicious of induction noises from the quad-throated Webers.

Illustration for article titled We Put Carbs On A Miata, And It Kicked Ass

Getting on the road was even better. It’s not the road to go down if you’re chasing out and out power, but if you want a bump above stock and an engine that sings like an angel in orgasm, this’ll do ya right.

Oh, and the throttle response is heckin’ good, too.

If anyone truly understood this build, it’d be you, Oppo <3