It seems like I've found the AMD laptop that can slap the arse off a MacBook Air...

Do I trade the eye candy for raw APU power? Is that worth the risk?
Do I trade the eye candy for raw APU power? Is that worth the risk?
Image: Acer content pool (Fair Use)

…and it seems like it has the chops to repeatedly dunk on the A1932 for a comparable price.

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One big drawback, however, is the display, which is just 260 nits and not as colour-accurate as the Retina display. Then again, it’s not like I game a lot or even edit photos that heavily, so it may be worth the risk. On the other hand, I like my screens bright and poppy because I watch video in fullscreen and enjoy my photos in the full format I upload on.


Still, it does make for quite a compelling comparison, right? Though the thing is, stock is a bit dodgy even for the Acer, much less for competitors of this laptop. But what is that Acer’s competition?