Recycled Post: HELP!


I am recycling my second Oppo post ever because it wasn’t very good. Why? I am locked out of my posting ability and I don’t know why. But I can still edit posts.


The compose post button disappeared during a half week trip to Tennessee, but I didn’t miss it until I came back. For your time, Dayton Tennessee.

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A few days ago, I noticed that the compose post button was gone. The manage drafts button has been replaced by a dashboard button, and I cannot view my drafts. Yet a mod reassured me that I still had authorship. Any ideas?

The posting ability is absent in both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge as well as on my android phone running Chrome.

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It is the same for my personal blog, and all other blogs. I just cannot compose a post or view drafts!

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Old post can be found below

Illustration for article titled Recycled Post: HELP!

I’m not sure I would want to take lessons from them, considering they don’t even know what side of the car the wheel is on (I’m ‘Murican). For your first question, where do you sit?

(My driving tester didn’t even wear a seat belt, much less carry a clipboard, so not much better)