DOTS: Charity Edition

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Illustration for article titled DOTS: Charity Edition

I spotted quite a few interesting rides while volunteering at a local charity, handing out lunches in underprivileged areas. Far far more people showed up than usual, which is great but also annoying at the traffic jam it created. This is easily the dirtiest Pontiac Firebird I have ever seen, though it was in good shape under all the filth. I’m not sure who would let their baby get this grimy, but I was surprised to see this in such low income housing.

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Next up, some truly tragic wheels. That is not good in any sense of the word.

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You just never see that era of civic anymore, much less an unmodified hatchback. The minty green F100 in the background factored into my poor framing.

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The organization uses these old buses for storage. They almost looked inviting in the pouring rain that preceeded this picture.

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This unintentional candid showcases an art car that is used to attract business to an emissions place I visited today. The low price is what drew me in, but the brightly painted S10 helps. This truck is much better done than most of these permanent billboards.

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This is the first Sebring Coupe I’ve noticed in the wild. I am somewhat fascinated by incredibly rare but incredibly mundane machines, and this fits all the criteria.

So, what so you think?