DIOCCUSA: Shabby School Shuttle

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This dilapidated old school bus sits in its final resting place down in Old Car City USA, where I photographed it last summer. I took a break from this for a while, but expect the occasional one to drop as I feel like it.

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I captured the bus as it sat on a slight rise adjacent to a somewhat scummy lake. I like the front end treatment of this particular body. It takes advantage of the rear engined design to leave the front nice and simple. A plaque next to the guages loudly proclaimed “GM Motorcoach;” I assume both the body and chassis were built under the company’s supervision.

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I was surprised to see the engine mounted transversely for a bus of this era. Maintenance access is excellent because of the design in conjunction with some hinged body panels.

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Looks like someone cut out some cooling components. I wonder if the radiator was front mounted or it is just now absent.

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The faded sign proved useful, since stepping over the rusted out steps warranted extra care. The floor of the passenger compartment was solid, and I was able step inside.

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The green tinted windows created some fun lighting. The color tinged shadows helped the dismal scene appear more whimsical than depressing.

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This automatic equipped bus has great visibility from the driver’s seat. Most of the switch gear and dials were intact.

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A better look at the switches for the driver. They probably operated the wipers and lights, though there appears to be more options than I would expect.

That’s it for this irregular DIOCCUSA. What do you think?