Morning DOTS

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This Trans Am was a bit rough, but still resplendent in unapologetically red paint, unlike the maroon Buick Century in front of it.

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Illustration for article titled Morning DOTS

What is this small Ford economy coupe? I didn’t catch the model, but it was in enviable condition. A Volvo 240 wagon and a classic Chevy pickup were not that unsurprising to see parked near it.

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How is it that I managed to see two Honda CRXs in one day? Both appeared to be used as simple basic transportation, which is a duty I thought these had aged out of. Not pictured, an Izuzu Oasis pulling out of the same lot (rebadged first gen Odyssey).

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Bronco II!

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This brightly painted Blue Bird bus is beginning to sink into the ground at the charity I was volunteering at.

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Same for these Ford shuttle buses. All three are just used for storage now. The older blue Econoline has two dually axles, which seems unnecessary.

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The paint on this Odyssey really hates just this one sticker.

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This ruined charger complete with some really terrible wheels has been “for sale” in this parking lot for a long time. He knows what he’s got.

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And don’t let me forget spying this enigma rolling by me, too stunned to get a picture.