Took a walk: DOTS and some photography

I felt veritably despondent after a very trying day. So, I took a nice long evening walk. I didn’t see much that I haven’t seen before on this well-trodden route, but I thought I would share some pictures that I liked.

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Illustration for article titled Took a walk: DOTS and some photography

I always can appreciate this subtle plum colored NA Miata with some fantastic wheels.


Update: HFV has no HFV recognized it as a 1995 M edition Miata! I didn’t realize this was something really special. Those wheels are stock too!

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Illustration for article titled Took a walk: DOTS and some photography

Nice Jaaaaaag.

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This neighbor has quite an assortment of classic European iron under those tarps. One is a Jaaaaag exactly like the one featured above, and the other is this classic Fiat 124 Spyder, which is for sale right now. The last tarp really could be anything, though I imagine it is at least as eclectic as their decor.

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Nice Accord. Really stands out next to that faded old Porsche and the vanilla Land Cruiser.

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Just a regular old Vape Bro parked at the church on a weekday. Too bad it isn’t World Rally Blue or whatever that unapologetic red color is.

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I wish I had a better camera on me, since I love this composition and the blue Mini really adds some interest.

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Darn power lines! Get out of the shot!

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I also like this one.