Oppo Craigslist Challenge: Cheap but New

Here’s a fun challenge. What’s the cheapest car on your local craigslist that has less than 30,000 miles on it? And what’s the best that can still qualify as cheap?

I actually thought of the idea when I saw this rare Suzuki SX4 with 30k on Facebook Marketplace for only $6,000! It’s even got a 5 speed. Sure you do end up with a Suzuki SX4, but newish car for cheap! I also might have got sucked in by the classy subtle blue color.

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Illustration for article titled Oppo Craigslist Challenge: Cheap but New

Or you could get this very nice blue Forte with 30k exactly for only $10,500. It’s an automatic, but this is a very nice car in nearly new condition. Plus, I’m a sucker for blue.

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So Oppo, have at it!