DOTS: Bike Ride Edition

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I took a nice long afternoon bike ride today, therefore this post is somewhat long.


It turns out stopping a slightly oversized bike in the middle of a bike path to take pictures of parked cars was awkward both socially (distantly) and physically.

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Now that’s a one make two car garage. Chevy Corvette Cadiallac XLR and a CTS Wagon in red no less.

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Slammed Honda Wagonvan with bright gold wheels. Neat.

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Police truck. Take that, rest of the world!

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This patched together Chevy dually has a real nice patina to it.

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Speaking of Chevy trucks, this more pedestrian Silverado was an unusual color but I kinda dig it.

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Nice colored convertible Camaro here as well.

I was riding through a side street on my way back to take a picture of an ornate bank with plenty of stained glass when I saw this amazing photo opportunity.

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Pretty nice, huh? It was just perfect. I barely even has to tweak it in post.

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Illustration for article titled DOTS: Bike Ride Edition

This old Buick, Century I believe, seemed emblematic of the backdrop, so I took a few shots including it. The interior was somehow in way better condition than I expected. I guess the hard wearing vinyl did its job.


Then suddenly, I see in a gap between buildings in the distance, a very uniquely modified Ford F100. I race to a position to capture it the next time it was visible.

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However, just then, I saw a car that I had meaning to document for quite some time: An all original VW Type 2 Single Cab Pickup complete with scuffed up white paintjob. But in missing it vanishing behind a building by inches, I still captured something worthwhile.

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And then the F100 cruised on through.

And then I noticed a Ford Raptor parallel parked next to me. The side alley lies next to the monolithic AT&T building which has always fascinated me, which almost makes the Raptor look small.

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I will post the non-car related pictures I took biking through the Confederate cemetery and around Marietta in general later. But for now, what do you think? If I had to choose a two car garage out of these I would probably pick the blue convertible Camaro and the CTS Wagon.