DIOCCUSA: Time Capsule RV

I photographed this somewhat dilapidated RV down in Old Car City USA last summer. It seems apropos given the current state of the open road.

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I like this shot a lot. The way the sun filters through those old worn curtains onto the ratty upholstery just has a certain atmosphere. If this RV could talk it would have many strange and wonderful stories to tell.

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I actually never took a photo of the exterior of this vehicle, but I discovered it lurking in the background of a video I took of the famous Mr. Cone ice cream van. Not terribly remarkable, belying the extravagant interior concealed within.

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Yes, this is pure unfiltered Malaise era right here. The avocado colored striped upholstery and fake wood grain everywhere is unmistakable. All things considered, this interior wasn’t as disgusting as you might expect.

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It was awfully still and lonely in there though. This particular picture I like because it emphasizes the sheer vast silence of this empty space.

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A few pots, pans, boxes, bags, utensils, and other trinkets were left behind. Obviously these were simply no longer wanted because it must have arrived in the junkyard in rather good nick.

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The rear bathroom area was a much less comfortable place to be. Cramped, hot, and filthy, I only stayed long enough to grab this quick shot.

I didn’t take many pictures because abandoned RVs aren’t known for being pleasant places to spend time, but the sheer 70s-ness of the interior is somewhat amazing. Places like this still exist, and, after the quarantine is lifted, you can visit them. I always like quiet little corners that time has forgotten and this particular forlorn RV delivered. What is y’all’s take on this?