The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!

Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!

Well, perhaps not exactly a contest, but it gets the point across.


Here’s the idea:

To rally the community in these trying times we will have a showcase of sorts for all the members to participate; this showcase will be of photography with one caveat. Each photo must be taken in or around your domicile.


You don’t need to be an experienced photographer, own a nice camera, or even have a particularly interesting home to participate. We want to celebrate our efforts in social distancing so this will showcase our respective confines.

Of course, a picture of the slightly messy living room of a small apartment likely wouldn’t be terribly interesting, so you may want to consider isolating a single detail, whether that be an uncommon trinket, intriguing item, or whatever really.


The idea is really best got across with photos, so take a gander:

Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!
Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!
Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!
Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!
Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!
Illustration for article titled The Great Oppositelock Home Photography Contest!

Those were taken with a crappy cheap camera phone by me inside my house or yard with a 30 second edit to bump the contrast and fix the lighting. You really don’t have to be experienced to try, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun!


I will periodically repost in preparation for the final showcase; it will consist of a collection of contributions and I will let you guys pick your favorites.

For now, be on the lookout for photo opportunities and drop them below when you are ready.


Try to limit it to no more than three, but really these are just loose guidelines. Have fun!