DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

Updated with edited pictures. I couldn’t help myself. The truck is just so beautiful!

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Wait, was that. . .

Yes, it was. On my way back, I stopped to take some pictures. A lot of pictures. Possibly an obscene amount of pictures, but Oppo deserves it.


Prepare yourself for many many pictures of this Jeep J10.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

At least I think it is a J10. Certainly a J series and even more certainly a Jeep.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

An AMC era Jeep no less. According to Wikipedia, that would most likely make this a J10.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

My goodness is that a beautiful truck. The rusty brush guard really adds to the personality it is positively dripping with.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

The truck really pulls off this brown on brown on brown paint. Many different shades of brown exist here.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

Moving on, we see a surprisingly immaculate interior. Probably recently reupholstered judging by the contrast with the exterior.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

It’s a manual too. I don’t see a 4wd selector so it is probably just 2wd unfortunately.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

As you can see from this angle, it is crusty but trusty, the best kind of rusty. A little oxidation appears around the rear, but considering how badly AMC Jeeps rusted this is nothing. Just ask David Tracy.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: A Rough and Ready J Series

Yes, this is absolutely a Jeep. Perhaps an exterior refurbishment is in its future, considering its location outside a body shop. Gotta love that old .gov “give wildlife a chance” license plate. Those go way back, so clearly this old Jeep is a longtime local.

In short, I would rock this every day of the week and twice on Sunday.