What is the best looking minivan of all time?

I was reading Arch Duke Maxyenko’s post and realized just how much I dislike the way the new Toyota Sienna looks.


But that got me thinking: what is the best looking minivan of all time?

I am of course only familiar with the big and slow vans of North America, desperately trying to escape the stigma they have been saddled with, so I’d be curious to see how MPVs from other markets stack up. Sorry Long Voyager but I’ve got to go with the fourth generation 2011-2017 Honda Odyssey. It doesn’t try too hard yet it is unique and functional all at once. I still love Honda’s styling of this era and that fun chink in the belt line just works.

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I will now be booed out of the room, so what is your take on this?

EDIT: And before someone suggests it, the Renault Espace F1 doesn’t count.

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