Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

**afternoon repost**

Illustration for article titled Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

You will notice this is not a DIOCCUSA, since it contains no footage of cars. Still, I found this abandoned house on the grounds of Old Car City USA to be fairly interesting so I whipped up this short video for y’all.

I’ve been on a bit of an urban exploration kick lately, so I found editing this footage to be particularly fun. Don’t worry, the house was structurally sound except for the wall that collapsed and the iffy floors.

Illustration for article titled Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

This imitation brick waterproof siding looked to be made of the same stuff as shingles.

Illustration for article titled Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

I actually was inspired by a friend of mine who texted me some pictures of him in an abandoned factory.

Illustration for article titled Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

The house didn’t actually have a path leading to it, but based on the addition of clothes hanging from the walls since last year, it isn’t off limits. A bit more treacherous than the rest of the property, but someone was in there moving the furniture around. Only two of the rooms had any kind of half decent floor and its not a coincidence that those were the ones who gained furniture.

Illustration for article titled Some Light Urbex, I mean Ruralex, but in Old Car City USA

As you can see in the video, someone hung a dress here after this picture was taken a year ago.


Keep in mind you must always tread with extreme care in an abandoned place like this. You never know how strong the floors might be or if the ceiling is ready to come down.