Headlight Trouble

I bought a headlight restoration kit to get rid of the fogginess on my headlights.

To be more specific, I bought this kit (review pending).

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It worked great when I tested it on my dad’s 02 Tundra headlights. However, my car has the post 2010 style plastic composition with a much tougher UV protection that as a result is much tougher to sand off. Here’s what it looked like before.

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I couldn’t remove them because that involves taking the bumper off. So I masked around them a lot.

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Here’s what they looked like before I applied the polish. It is supposed to be vaguely foggy by this point and is consistent with the excellent results I achieved before on much less finicky plastic.

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Here’s what they came out like. As you can see, the main part of the headlights are actually less clear than when I started. It is uniformly slightly foggy instead of being very clear in one spot while very yellowed on the horizontal surfaces.

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What they looked like before for reference. I did much more sanding on every level of grit than I did with dad’s truck because I knew these would be much trickier. You can’t see it in pictures as well but there are noticeable marks from the circular motion of the drill and there are spots of uneven fogginess. The complex shape made it difficult but I was very careful to keep wiping the face down so I could tell where to direct my attention. Any thoughts?

I have thought about masking off the good vertical area for the other headlight and just defogging the bad area at the pointed tips. Do you think this is a good idea?