DOTS: Humvee Humdinger Edition

I saw many Humvees yesterday. And a Thunderbird. But also many many many Humvees.

Don’t worry, this post is only like 50% Humvees.

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I think this place was called Xtreme Humvee or something like that. All I know is I had a little bit of a snoop around.

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Most of them seemed to be in original military spec like these.

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And few of the interiors were totally intact.

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I thought the red one with the truck bed and canvas top was my favorite of the bunch. But of course these just aren’t exactly my style but I’m sure they’re lots of fun.

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Generator? Not sure.

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I did very much want this old military spec Blazer.

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It had just the right amount of patina to the faded exterior but the interior seemed to have fresh vinyl coverings on the seats. Very clean and exactly how I would want one.

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Yes, much want here. I don’t know much about these so I’m curious about what the front only hubs are.

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The Range Control one is interesting as well. Looks filthy though so it might be fresh off a Gov Planet auction.

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This very tidy and well done lowrider spec Cadillac Coupe DeVille looked a little out of place though. Notice the cargo attachment on the Humvee behind it. Didn’t get a good picture of that one.

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At least the roof wasn’t made from imitation crocodile skin.

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Evidently it has sat for a while though. And it is missing the squishy rubber impact absorption panels. AwesomeaustinV claims this are quite satisfying to touch so sadly I didn’t get to see for myself.

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Speaking of Austin, this kind of feels like Pheobe’s long lost sister who lives on the wild side. Are those offroad tires?

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The Thunderbird was in all around excellent shape but was missing almost the entire interior. Sadly that may be difficult to source and could keep this ‘Bird off the road for a long time to come.

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It’s sat here a while and may sit longer still.

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People in the rust belt would kill for this solid and rust free of a shell and chassis but I’m not sure this one has much hope. Especially considering the rust free chassis discarded on the hill behind it.

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That wasn’t the only out of place car there, however. I wouldn’t have thought that the first gen 4Runner and the Humvee crowd had much crossover.

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Perhaps the least tasteful of the bunch. This is a civilian version so it is infinitely more obnoxious.

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Only the finest plastics will meet your eyes in here.

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The interior of a regular one, sans engine cover. I don’t really see why the civilian version has so much less interior room.

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Another view from the driver’s perspective. It seems to be a strangely small steering wheel.

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One of their finished products. The metal had been entirely smoothed and sanded in a way that doesn’t come across as well in photos. Factory fresh but more obnoxious.

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Looks like a wild ride.

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I leave you with one of the more artsy shots I took. Which one of these car/trucks would you drive home? That will be a definitive yes for me to the Blazer.