Morning DOTS and a funny story

Just a few. Mainly a surprisingly well done Pinto and I don’t mean well done as in it sat on the grill too long.

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Cool wheels, good tires, bad filth and grime. It’s been sitting a while.

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I’m going to guess a 1952 Chevy sedan. Low trim I think.

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Something rarer than a Pinto. This Elantra Coupe reminds me, I need to get back to reporting on the 2050 American Festival of the Unexceptional.

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A street sign that encourages you to drive the wrong way down a one way street. The arrow points to the left but the street goes to the right. I find it funny that they bothered to make a sign for all 4 directions since this is the intersection of two single lane one way alleys.

Now, story time!

I saw a disheveled man across the road struggle with his dog as it pooped on the sidewalk. I was just hanging out in my car while waiting, so I looked back a minutes later and saw he was still standing there sheepishly. I saw him reach down with a napkin and try to pick it up so I called out and told him I had a dog poop bag. I gave it to him and he then held it open as he picked up the poop with the napkin and shoveled it into the bag. I had the restrain from laughing in horror and disgust at this inappropriate use of the bag while he then rambled on and on at me even after I turned the radio way up and started looking at stuff in my phone. He clearly had dog poop all over his hand. Some people. . . 


Morning, Oppo.